OCC’s Five Phases of Healing


Triaged Stabilization

Multi-System Regulation

Targeted Investigation

Individualized Implementation

Sub-Cellular Optimization

Ongoing Interpretation

As your providers, we continuously shift between these five phases of healing. Guided by your own unique physiologic signals, we repeatedly assess your status through Interpretation until deep healing is achieved.



A central principle in functional medicine is listening. Interpretation refers to the way we’re constantly listening to our Members’ experiences, their unique histories, the signals from their bodies, the results of lab tests and imaging studies, and the response to any new trial of food or medication or supplement. With an informed and experienced approach, we tailor each recommendation based on our interpretation of the collective responses to date. This makes for a methodical, personalized and highly responsive treatment experience.



Because some Members arrive to us experiencing acute levels of distress, be it physical, mental, emotional, and/or social — quieting this distress, initially, with targeted introductions or eliminations of stimuli, such as SSP or individual Mind-Body sessions, diet changes, targeted supplements or medication, is often necessary to open the door to healing and enable the body to accept further interventions. Furthermore, members may experience periods of symptom exacerbation during implementation phases (see below) and benefit from revisiting stabilization.



We believe in your body’s wisdom and capacity to heal when given the right conditions. We look deeply at the intestinal microbiome and digestive capacity, because of the undeniable relationship of gut health to chronic, systemic inflammation. Likewise, we always support autonomic nervous system regulation because, when stuck in a state of protection, the immune system remains in a pro-inflammatory state and fails to resolve inflammation or induce repair. Our treatment programs focus deeply on restoring immune system competence and improving mitochondrial capacity to produce enough energy to support health, growth and restoration. 

At OCC, we like to use testing only when necessary. But, when progress is slower than anticipated, we can use targeted functional lab tests as indicated by the individual’s circumstances and symptoms. These tests can add additional cost to a treatment plan, but will be minimized and discussed in depth if our experts feel they’ve become appropriate.



We use slow and strategic introductions and eliminations of various modifiable lifestyle factors to induce effective and long-lasting shifts in your physiology. Our goal is to achieve immune system competence such that our members experience a restoration of their capacity to resolve inflammation, heal, appropriately fight infection, sleep well, detoxify, eliminate well, experience safe connection with humans and pets, and live a life filled with meaning and purpose, including more connection to the natural world. Such deep and sustainable change can only happen slowly and methodically.



A solid understanding of our biology at the levels of the organ systems, organs, cells, and mitochondria underlies all recommendations at OCC. In order to feel “good” with enough “energy,” we need to achieve adequate health of our mitochondria so they can make sufficient ATP to run our cells and organs so that we feel vibrant and healthy. Our goal is to optimize your brain function and physical capacity, reduce or eliminate pain, and to reduce your risk of chronic disease. 

Likewise, our physiology thrives when we feel safe and regularly experience states of joy, creativity, play, meaningful connection, peace, awe, wonder, beauty and love!