What We Treat
Our care is focused on those who have complex, chronic inflammatory illness — the "mystery illnesses" that stump primary care providers and specialists alike.
A diagnosis is a description that classifies a certain constellation of symptoms and gives it a name. More and more often, however, people find themselves with a grouping of symptoms that don’t seem to fit any recognizable pattern… no one can seem to offer them a diagnosis. But, that doesn't make it any less real for the person who’s suffering without answers.
On the other end of the spectrum, there’s a growing number of people with a long list of diagnoses, but nothing that seems to tie it all together and no clear path for getting well. Whether you have a multitude of diagnoses — or none at all — the entrance on the path to healing is always the same.
Our approach focuses on identifying and removing your current obstacles to healing combined with approaches for harnessing the power of your own built-in mechanisms for healing and repair … until a natural state of balance is restored.
At OCC we’re primarily focused on identifying and addressing causes of imbalance rather than the effects, and less focused on diagnoses.
Our patients generally present with an assortment of symptoms or diagnoses in multiple systems, including but not limited to:
Allergies | Arthritis | Asthma | Autoimmune Disease(s) | Autonomic Nervous System Dysregulation I Brain Fog | Chronic Fatigue | Chronic Hives | Chronic / Recurrent Infection (Lyme, EBV, Fungal) | Depression & Anxiety | Detoxification Issues | Digestive Disorders (Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), IBD, Dysbiosis, Intestinal Permeability / Leaky Gut) | Eczema / Psoriasis | Environmental and Food Reactions | Fatigue | Fibromyalgia | Heavy Metal Toxicity | Histamine Intolerance | Hormone Imbalance | Hypermobility | Insomnia | Interstitial Cystitis | Long-Haul COVID | Mast Cell Activation Syndrome I Mitochondrial Inefficiency | Mold Toxicity / CIRS | Migraines / Headaches | POTS / Dysautonomia | Pain / Inflammation | PTSD | Rash | Restless Leg Syndrome | Tinnitus | Vertigo / Dizziness