Member Testimonials
“There's a very intentional articulation that you are being recognized as an individual. It's not one model or response. I really feel as though all of the characteristics of my MCAS are being addressed in relation to me as a whole person. My fears, my traumas, all of those things that are impacting my autonomic nervous system are being taken into account, so I feel seen and recognized. For somebody like me who feels completely erased or invisible when I go into a medical facility, here I don't feel as if I've lost control of my own healing. I feel as if I'm a partner in this process. “
— Susan J.
“I've made more progress in these last few months than I have in years and years. So I'm seeing myself change. I'm seeing myself coming back to the way I want to be. I'm proud of myself for doing it.”
—Karen M.
“I have a history of dangerous kidney infections and kidney stones, resulting in ongoing pain that never resolved. After other causes had been ruled out, Micaela introduced me to imagery work to try to stop the pain pathways. Using the tools that she taught me has put an end to the extreme pain. Now it’s a dull ache where before the pain was excruciating enough that I had to go to the ER. It's amazing – the power creating different neural pathways to stop pain.”
—Abby S.
“I am noticing the gentleness with which Jessica and Micaela fold us into the flow of this program, scooping us up from wherever we are, over and over again, and... back into the flow... again... and again... without harshness or urgency, with faith and trust that we are where we need to be and we will follow along as we are able. Every week all of us meander away into our lives and illnesses and then the two of them show up and guide us back into the flow…
…and I am finding more and more that I am being gentle with myself, after seeing how they are with us.”
— Betsy A.
“Jessica, you are my hero. Your dedication to KNOWLEDGE is unwavering and that knowledge is used to heal. Bravo dear lady! Keep up the good work. Micaela, your energy and enthusiasm is grown from your own health challenges and from that comes STRENGTH in spirit, mind and body. Kudos for not giving up and searching until you had answers. Thanks for sharing with us so we can learn and heal!”
—Darcy W.
“As a trauma therapist with some (not extensive) exposure to Polyvagal Theory, I was stunned by the presentation “Removing Obstacles to Healing” with Jessica and Micaela. I had never before understood the relationship between stress/trauma and the immune system which they laid out so clearly. But then, I was completely blown away with their [experiential group education and practice] series on the Polyvagal Theory. I learned about my own system as well as how to recognize dysregulation in my clients at a much more subtle level than before.”
— Joan C.
“Jess' command of her knowledge and ability to teach has even helped me to overcome insecurities about myself as a learner. My high school science teachers would be so proud!”
— Heather P.
“I credit Jessica with saving my life. After seeing 11 doctors in 4 states and being misdiagnosed for over a year — Jess knew exactly what was wrong with me within five minutes. We did comprehensive testing to confirm everything. She’s an excellent diagnostician. But, I call her my angel.”
—Abby S.
Member Stories
“Everything was hard all the time. I had chronic inflammation. For several years doctors would just tell me to see a nutritionist and to exercise, which I did, and yet I was in so much pain all of the time. It was demeaning and frustrating. Every specialist would just run their basic checklist and not really see what was happening to me. I was frustrated and sick and so worried. Then I started working with Jess. It was this moment of, “Oh wow! This is someone who is actually going to look at what’s going on in my body and my medical history instead of referring me to a checklist of what “usually happens!” She quickly identified that I had a problem with mold and we did a treatment and it changed my life. I got remarkably better. I had symptoms for 15 years that were then gone.
Jessica was open to real conversation and exploration with me. I would bring ideas to her and she would consider them, research them, and add them in if she thought they would work. She would always really listen to me and look at my test results and then explore various options for me to consider. There was never a set checklist or protocol - it was always about me and my history and my situation. And there were always options - it was ultimately my choice about what to do.
I did two different programs that Jess and Micaela were piloting with group meetings on polyvagal theory. It was so helpful. For me it was about learning to manage all of the cortisol and the great reactivity that had become my body’s natural defense system and conditions and experiences from childhood. They brought all of these tools together that were extremely important in helping me deal with the past of my life and my body, and the tools really changed my present. I can do things again! I’m not tired all the time! I don’t have a lack of confidence in my ability to handle anything because my body gives out, because it doesn’t anymore! It’s there for me again.”
— M. K.
For years I have looked all over New England and beyond for reputable functional or naturopathic practitioners to help me regain my life. My research overwhelmingly showed that these modalities are key to healing chronic illness. But there were always reasons why practitioners/offices/regimens that I found or tried were not a good fit for me. I put forth deep and desperate prayer for help with this, and within days I learned of Origins Collaborative Care. To date there has been zero indication that this is anything other than exactly where my restoration will evolve from; it is already happening just a few months into my journey.
Chronic illness is complex. OCC is skilled at exposing its cause and untangling its web of disease comprehensively, within the mind, body and soul. What they provide is experientially proven and science-based. They are extensively knowledgeable, will tell you if they don’t know an answer, and will get an answer if it is within their ability to do so. I have before heard parts of what they say, but they have expertly filled the gaps and woven it all together. They have shown me how parts of my history that I never imagined had anything to do with my deteriorating health are indeed part of that picture and can be remedied. Their mission is to heal individuals from chronic illness, and in this way heal the medical establishment that inadequately treats such illness via symptom management. They are actively working to make what they do be a standard of care, to be replicated as far as chronic illness reaches. They are intent on being a much-needed medium of change for those afflicted with chronic illness.
The entire OCC staff is compassionate and invested in the well-being of those entrusting them with their care. They work collaboratively, and each has an area of expertise that is needed on this journey. Rather than making you well, they will give you the tools you need to heal. Use of their offerings – classes, appointments, open office time – maximizes the benefit received.
Classes: group learning, provides specific knowledge on particular subjects/concepts.
Appointments: individual interaction, where Jessica provides functional medicine-based advice and instruction, Micaela addresses mind and nervous system impact, and Liz supports the implementation of the aforementioned with intuitive, individual guidance.
Open Office Time: weekly option for anything not already covered by classes or appointments, to get help with problems encountered or questions that have surfaced.
With all three elements in every membership, nothing falls through the cracks.
If you suffer with chronic illness, I implore you to reach out to Origins Collaborative Care, learn what they have to offer, and seriously consider if it speaks to you and you are in a place to commit to it. To be successful you must:
1) have an open mind to change; if how you are living isn’t working, then it MUST be changed!
2) be willing to dedicate time to the work; this is not “take a pill, go on with life as you were, see you in 6 months.” If that is what you prefer, OCC is not for you.
3) have even just a shred of ability to trust that this framework can heal you, that these people can help you, that your restoration is indeed possible – because it is – I and many others like me have banked on that trust and seen it blossom into the healing we have long sought.
My experience thus far has been life-giving. I am in awe daily with humble gratitude to have found this office, to work with every member of their staff, to finally be living and not just existing. I was in the right place, it was the right time, and I am benefitting more than words can possibly convey. I want the same for every person suffering as I previously have. Help for the chronically ill exists at Origins Collaborative Care. They are helping me be living proof of that.
— Ann B.