Functional Medicine, (r)Evolutionized.
OCC’s Membership Model
We take the time needed to foster the conditions for healing and develop deep connection and safety with our providers and peers throughout.
We’re different. Here’s how.
What researchers have long understood, and healthcare has failed to acknowledge or include in the care model, is that having a flexible, resilient, regulated autonomic nervous system is required for maintaining or regaining optimal physical and mental health.
If your previous attempts at healing have failed, this is one of the reasons why.
Our goal is physical healing, so OCC is taking a bold, (r)Evolutionary leap by incorporating regulation of the Autonomic Nervous System into every Member’s treatment plan.
We stand apart because our approach is more complete in scope than typical Functional Medicine practices. We help our Members open their eyes to previously unexplored, but completely essential pathways to recovery via the autonomic nervous system. For this reason, based on the science of Polyvagal Theory, we center safety, connection, and belonging in all of our evidence-based, individualized treatment plans.
Our approach is realistic, comprehensive, adaptable, highly personalized, and allows you and your body the time and support you need to recover.
Five Phases of Healing
Every new Member at OCC will begin their journey with a focus on Stabilization and Regulation. But over the course of our 15-month journey, we will move across and between these five phases of healing together, returning to Interpretation again and again. We’ll continue to adjust your treatment plan as needed, until your capacity for healing is restored. At that point, we’ll focus our efforts on Optimization.