OCC Team Intake
From the very beginning you are held by both Co-Founders, Jessica and Micaela, as they integrate the wisdom of Mind-Body healing and organ system function into your review and assessment. From this detailed and extensive overview we begin to identify a customized path to return you to a state of wellness.
Knowing where to go with your treatment involves knowing where you’ve been.
When you become a Member at OCC, we ask you to complete lengthy, detailed questionnaires that will create a visual timeline of your history. This process can take between 3 and 6 hours, depending on your health history and age.
In order to make the best and most efficient use of your OCC Team Intake, Jessica and Micaela each spend an average of 3 hours closely reviewing your history as well as any medical records you’ve provided, and brainstorming together about your health.
This information is invaluable as it enables us to identify important antecedents, triggers, and mediators that have influenced your health. It also serves as a record from which to measure shifts in your healing trajectory.
Sometimes along the healing journey, we realize there’s an obstacle that’s interfering with the healing pattern we had anticipated. Your timeline serves as a roadmap to guide our deeper dive of investigation so that we can pinpoint any additional tests we need to run as the wisest choices rather than needing to cast a wide net which can add excessive expense to the Functional Medicine process.